New Jersey Libertarian Party
Tara Murphy and Jason MacDuffie Announce Candidacy For Branchburg Township Committee
New Jersey – March 16, 2022:
At the NJLP Convention on March 12, 2022, the New Jersey Libertarian Party nominated Tara Murphy and Jason MacDuffie for Branchburg Township Committee. Murphy and MacDuffie are both long-time New Jersey residents who are vying to break up the GOP monopoly in Branchburg.
Murphy and MacDuffie believe that the current town council is out of touch with their constituents. In 2020, Branchburg voted to legalize marijuana in New Jersey by a large margin. Yet, the Branchburg Township Committee unanimously voted to ban the sale of marijuana. One member even said that legalizing cannabis “goes against the morals of the town.” On the other hand, both Libertarian Party nominees will listen to residents and respect their bodily rights.
Unfortunately, the previous vote isn’t the only instance of the Branchburg municipal government refusing to respect the will of their constituents. Last year, one committee member told a resident that businesses are more important than citizens. After noticing this pattern of abuses, Tara Murphy decided to run for public office on the Libertarian ticket. Murphy believed that, when given a choice between a political outsider and the status quo, residents will choose the former. After starting her campaign, Murphy quickly attracted attention from registered Libertarians and independent voters. In support of Tara, MacDuffie decided that he would join Tara in the fight against the GOP’s monopoly on power.
The Libertarian Party of New Jersey advocates for a smaller government and the protection of individuals’ rights to live freely. The Libertarian Party fields candidates in local, county, state, and federal elections and is committed to ensuring that Tara Murphy and Jason MacDuffie join the over 350 Libertarians holding elected office.
Michael Manieri
VP of Public Relations NJLP
Paid for by NJLP