Letters to Editor
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- Written by: Mark Richards
- Category: Letters to Editor
By Mark Richards, Guest Contributor
Published in West Milford AIM on September 28, 2007 and also in Suburban Trends September 23, 2007.
Our U.S. Representative in Congress, Scott Garrett, has been taking a lot of heat lately by not supporting the animal fighting prohibition enforcement act, which grew out of the frenzy over the Michael Vick dogfighting case. Far from being attacked by “animal rights” groups and the press, Rep. Garrett should be praised for his clear understanding and interpretation of the U.S. Constitution. I have before me my pocket size edition of the Constitution published by libertarian Cato Institute.
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- Written by: Fred Stein
- Category: Letters to Editor
By Fred Stein, Dayton section of South Brunswick
Published in The Sentinel newspaper for June 21, 2007.
It seems that the government on all levels is out of control. While high property taxes are driving the exodus of people out
of the state, our politicians are dealing with frivolous issues. Our local politicians are wasting time on creating new ordinances for massage parlors (“Chief hopes to rub out illegitimate massage spas,” June 7). Is this the number one problem facing the people in South Brunswick?
The state legislature is debating gay marriage. Marriage should be classified as a private contract involving consenting adults. Government should get out of the business. On the federal level, we are being destroyed by our occupation of Iraq. Our soldiers are being killed and crippled. Our civil liberties are quickly disappearing as we grow further in debt.
The question now is what to do. Stand up and be heard. Act as if the next election is your last, because it could be. Do not forget to buckle up your seat belt.
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- Written by: Jay Edgar
- Category: Letters to Editor
Mr. Niewenhuis (New Jersey Farm Bureau President) is correct about one thing: the farm bill before Congress has lots to do with you. The farm bill will cost you, the taxpayer, $211 billion, have negative environmental consequences, is extremely harmful to our international relations, and will end up hurting the small family farm. The farm bill subsidies are an un-American affront to fairness and common sense.
The 2002 farm bill cost taxpayers an average of $85 billion per year between 2002 and 2005. In 2005 it cost the taxpayer $100 billion. The 2007 farm bill is even more bloated. Instead of allowing the free market to set prices (and as a result the levels of production_, the farm bill attempts to micromanage production by paying some farmers not to farm while paying other farmers to farm. The result is higher prices to the consumer. In effect, the prices of some goods such as milk and sugar are set to artificially high levels by a government enforced cartel. The largest beneficiary is Florida's Flo-Sun. The owners have an estimated net worth of $500 million. If the 2007 farm bill is passed, they are expected to receive $125 million annually in farm sugar production price supports.