The New Jersey Libertarian Party will be exposing thousands of youth to the party and to the fight for liberty at the upcoming Warped Tour concerts in Camden (July 17th) and Oceanport (July 19th). Over 60 bands are scheduled to perform on each night. The lineup includes the punk band Anti-Flag who has several great libertarian songs including "Free Nation?," "This Machine Kills Fascists," "Welcome to 1984," "We Want to Be Free," and "You’ve Got To Die For The Government". Other scheduled bands that have freedom messages in their music include NOFX, Flogging Molly, and Bad Religion. |
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- Written by: Walter M. Luers, Esq.
- Category: Events
We have cancelled today's Town Hall Meeting with Jason Scheurer at the Long Hill Township Public Library. We also thank Jason for appearing Saturday at the Morris County Public Library and spending a great deal of time at the Millington Town Fair in Morris County, which went very well.
The Morris County Libertarian Party will continue planning and holding events in Morris County, and we will announce those events at this website.
I would also like to thank Prof. Howard Kupferman for doing most of the work in organizing these events, and Lou Jasikoff for coordinating between the Morris County Libertarians and the Scheurer campaign.
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- Written by: Walter M. Luers, Esq.
- Category: Events
We are holding several events in Morris County. They are:
October 11: Town Hall Meeting with Jason Scheurer, candidate for Senate, at the Morris County Public Library from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
October 12: Millington Town Fair, Libertarian Booth with Jason Scheurer. The Fair is from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. We will confirm when Jason will be there.
October 13: Town Hall Meeting with Jason Scheurer, candidate for Senate, at the Long Hill Township Public Library, beginning at 7 p.m.
If you have any questions about these events, or wish to be involved, please call me (908-453-2147 or 201-892-4316) or email me (
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- Written by: Lou Jasikoff
- Category: Events
Join us September 20th in South River, NJ for an Octoberfest party at the beautiful Polanca Park as we rally to support Jason Scheurer for U.S. Senate.
Food, beer, pig roast, music, and barbeque as we gather to have an old fashioned picnic, and organize our efforts to make sure our message and Jasons' get heard this election cycle.
Open to everyone, so please bring the family. There is a great playground for the kids.
Starts at 11am and runs through the night. Overnight camping available.
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- Written by: Kevin Ferrizzi
- Category: Events
The South Jersey Libertarian Party will be meeting on the first Saturday, of every month, at a place to be determined at the previous meeting. The meeting place will rotate throughout the counties that the South Jersey Committee represents, providing a chance to attend and participate in the political discussion to as many people in our area as possible. All members of the National Libertarian Party or New Jersey Libertarian Party are aoutomatically voting members of this Committee. Citizens registered to vote as Libertarians, but are not dues paying LP, or NJLP members, will be allowed a voice and can present items for discussion, but do not automatically recieve the right to vote on decisions made. For more information contact either Joe Denise or Kevin Ferrizzi cell: (609) 980-8903; email
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- Written by: Jay Boucher
- Category: Events
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- Written by: Chip Mellor
- Category: Events
I'd like to invite you to see IJ in action in a major New Jersey eminent domain case. The case involves homeowners in Long Branch, NJ, who stand to lose their homes to a private developer seeking to build beachfront condos. Because New Jersey continues to be one of the worst abusers of eminent domain, this case is being closely watched across the nation.
UPDATE: Read more about it in a Asbury Park Press article. Say a prayer tonight for these homeowners!
Information and On-line Registration Here
Full Convention Schedule & Mail in registration form here
Note: The NJLP shall hold the general business meeting on Saturday morning. Attendance at the business meeting is free. Also note the early bird price is extended to March 1st!
By Len Flynn, NJ Libertarian Editor
This article contains interviews with NJLP members who have visited New Hampshire, the home of the libertarian “Free State Project .” (FSP). The FSP encourages libertarians to emigrate and establish residence in NH with the goal to facilitate libertarian political action and reforms there–or at least by preventing or limiting socialist/statist developments. After all, what libertarian could argue with the state motto: “Live Free or Die”?
New Hampshire has two FSP annual events where visitors and residents can celebrate freedom. From January 3 to Sunday January 6 the 2008 NH Liberty Forum will be held in Nashua, NH. This event is immediately prior to the primary elections on January 8, and the final scheduled speaker is Presidential candidate Ron Paul. The 2008 Porcupine Freedom Festival PorcFest 2008 will take place on June 9 to June 15, 2008 at the Gunstock Mountain Resort in Guilford, NH.