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- Written by: Webmaster
- Category: Latest News
New Jersey Needs More School Choice!
In commemoration of National School Choice Week, please join education reform leaders and supporters from across New Jersey for a timely, important, and uplifting meeting about education reform and school choice in the Garden State. Speakers will include:
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- Written by: Jay Edgar
- Category: Latest News
In honor of the universal freedom message preached by Dr. King a "Restoring Freedoms Rally" is being held in his honor on January 21st at the Statehouse in Trenton.
This rally will include a diverse set of speakers, including several libertarians. Libertarians speaking will include NJLP Treasure Joe Siano, former Libertarian Candidate for Governor Murray Sabrin, former NJLP Chair Lou Jasikoff, and 2012 Libertarian Candidate for U.S. Congress Patrick McKnight. Many other speakers are scheduled from various ends of the political spectrum. See for a full list of speakers.
The Restoring Freedom's Committee is seeking donations to help pay for the event. If you like the idea of bringing together groups of various political ideologies to discuss topics of freedom - consider donating to the event. Planning and staging an event like this is expensive.
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- Written by: Jay Edgar
- Category: Latest News
The State of NJ Department of Transportation released a report today. The report studied accident data of various red light installations of a year prior to installation to one year after. It found:
Combining all RLR locations and comparing the Pre-Camera installation 12-month time period versus the Year 1 installation 12-month time period, the data indicate that total crashes are up 0.9%, however, more sever right-angle crashes are down 15%, while same-direction (rear-end) crashes are up 20%. Crash severity cost increased by an estimated $1,172,800.
The crash severity cost was based on a five categories: fatality, disabling injury, evident injury, possible, injury, and property damage only (no injury) with each of these categories assigned a dollar figure.
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- Written by: Carla Howell
- Category: Latest News
Gary Johnson Breaks Ed Clark’s 1980 Vote Record of 921,128 Votes for President of the United States.
2012 Libertarian Presidential Ticket of Gov. Gary Johnson and Judge Jim Gray More Than DOUBLED the 2008 Vote Total of Bob Barr and Wayne Root.
Top 3 States for Gov. Gary Johnson and Judge Jim Gray
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- Written by: Webmaster
- Category: Latest News
Today a jury in Burlington Country has found Ed Forchion - aka NJ Weedman not guilty of distribution of marijuana. A full story can be found at Philly Burbs.
Last night Ed Forchion was interviewed on Free Talk Live.
“I don’t use it the way the state says. To me, it’s medicine, it’s food,” Forchion said, noting for the jury that he had been eating pot-laced cookies throughout the trial. “I feel I’m the victim of a flawed law.”
His first trial ended in a hung jury. Mr. Forchion, suffers from cancer and uses marijuana to ease his suffering.
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- Written by: Fred Stein
- Category: Latest News
The birth place of the NJLP was at my house on one hot summer night location 26 Essex Street Irvington, N.J. I believe I was the first organizer/founder of the NJLP. The story goes.....
Once upon a time in 1969 I met Kathy Greene at a YAF meeting at Monmouth college.She was in a group called New Jersey Libertarian Alliance. Her boyyfriend at the time and future husband was Ralph Fucetola. Through both of them I met a lot of Libertarians. Some of them called themselves Radical Libertarian Alliance. The word radical was hip back then.
One day I was at the home of Don Meinhausen and he had two big boxes of political literature. One was right wing the other left wing. For those who know Don he loved to travel in both groups seeking converts.He told me of a group trying to form a Libertarian Party. I contacted the Nolans. They sent me a list of Reason subscribers. I mailed out using my stamps and envelopes about the meeting of the first Libertarian Party in New Jersey. I also got the name of Bob Steiner. I called him and he with others helped me organize the meeting.
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- Written by: Webmaster
- Category: Latest News
On October 6th, 1972 - forty years ago today - the NJ Libertarian Party was started. A party constitution was adapted and Bob Steiner was elected the first state Chairperson. Peter Cooper was elected Vice-Chairperson, Joe Salerno was elected Treasurer, Denise Cooper was elected as Recording Secretary, and Lydia Longinotti was elected as Executive Secretary.
Dues were set at $7.50 per year which included a subscription to the PREMISE Newsletter. The first newsletter was produced in November of 1972. The party adopted the Libersign (arrow angling upward) and TANSTAAFL slogan (There ain't no such thing as a free lunch) over an outline of the state of NJ as the party's emblem.
Our first convention was held in February of 1973, during which John Goodson was nominated as our first candidate for NJ Governor.
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- Written by: Jay Edgar
- Category: Latest News
Yesterday the national debt has exceeded $16 Trillion! The debt is now at 104% of GDP - the highest it has ever been in fifty years. 65% of the debt has been accumulated during the Bush-Obama presidency.
There are few solutions at this point that the public would be willing to swallow. Politicians must consider the following:
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- Written by: Webmaster
- Category: Latest News
The NJ Libertarian Party annual picnic will be held on August 25th at the chair's house, 8 Arneytown-Hornerstown Road in Cream Ridge, New Jersey.
The Party's Business Meeting will start at from 2:00 PM and the picnic will follow.
Come hang out with fellow freedom lovers and meet our 2012 Candidates for Office. We are looking at broadcasting speeches from Paulfest at our picnic. RSVP (optional) here.
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- Written by: Jay Edgar
- Category: Latest News
NOTE: The date has been moved by the organizers! Date has been corrected below.
Join Occupy the Hood on September 14th-17th in a March for Justice. The New Jersey Libertarian Party fully supports the efforts of this march and will proudly march along side the organizers.
The 2010 census found that the United States leads the world with 7.1 million adults under the supervision of various correctional authorities. 4.89 million of them are under some sort of probation and 2.27 million are being held behind bars.
As of January 2012, New Jersey holds nearly 24,000 adults in correctional facilities including prisons and half-way houses. Of those 61% of them are black.
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- Written by: Sussex County Angel
- Category: Latest News
So on Saturday I headed up to the Asbury Park Civil Disobedience Swimsuit Party, which ended up being a celebration as the 1958 ordinance was repealed a few days prior to the event. It seems that the City Council may not have wanted the press that comes with a scantily clad protest.
The ordinance said: “No person clad in bathing attire shall be on the boardwalk or the public walks adjacent thereto.”
Since that changed, most of us expected no one would be arrested. It seemed we were wrong.
Steven Ettinger has a hearing to decided whether charges will be pressed. The hearing is July 27th, 2012, at 10 am at the Asbury Park Court. Steve has created a chipin asking for donations as he has a 9 hour trip (round trip) to get to the court. He may need even more if he is charged as he may be looking at a $1,000 fine.
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- Written by: John Paff
- Category: Latest News
Frank Colandrea, owner of Viamare LLC will finally get to establish a pizzeria and Chinese restaurant at 131 N. Gaston Avenue. Thus says the Appellate Division of the New Jersey Superior Court in a decision issued today, July 5, 2012.
According to the opinion, Viamare applied to the Zoning Board in 2005 to rehabilitate a dilapidated motor vehicle service station into a "commercial/retail building." That application, after five public hearings, was approved on August 16, 2006. In late 2008 or early 2009, Viamare went back to the Borough for permission to put a pizzeria and Chinese take-out restaurant in the rehabilitated building but was denied by Zoning Official Frank Vuoso who held that a parking space variance was required.
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- Written by: Webmaster
- Category: Latest News
In Asbury Park there is a decades old law banning bathing suits.
"No person clad in bathing attire shall be on the boardwalk or the public walks adjacent thereto, ..."
The chairwoman of the local Asbury Park Republican Party, Louise Murray, is offended by the way people dress and is willing to use force to have people cover up. She wants the law enforced.
In light of Murray's inclination to have the police use threats of violence, fines, and caging on peaceful people, a Swimsuit Party has been planned for July 14th on Ocean Avenue in Asbury Park. The current schedule of events are:
12:00 PM Press Conference
12:30 PM Live Music
1:00 PM Catwalk Swimsuit Fashion Show (anyone can participate)
2:00 PM Live Music and Dancing
The organizers have a Twitter feed and a facebook event page.
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- Written by: Libertarian Party
- Category: Latest News
Why Ron Paul Supporters Need the Libertarian Party
When Dr. Rand Paul ran for U.S. Senate in Kentucky, many of his fund-raising appeals were sent to the donors and supporters of his father, Congressman Ron Paul. They were designed to convince Ron’s supporters that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. That Rand was, like his legendary father, a steadfast champion of liberty.
But no true libertarian, no true friend of liberty, and no true blue Tea Partier could possibly even consider, much less actually endorse or approve of, the Father of Obamacare, Big Government tax and spender, Republican Mitt Romney.
Especially the son of Ron Paul, who has no excuse.