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- Written by: Alex Pugliese
- Category: Selected Blogs
Over a period of years or more, the United States has been calling for worldwide economic sanctions against the country of Iran. Economic sanctions are designed to hurt a foreign government on an economic basis, so much so, as to make daily life much difficult for those who run the government or are in charge of it. Often times, it is the average citizens in these foreign lands that become gravely affected and hurt while the rulers continue to remain undisturbed by it all.
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- Written by: Alex Pugliese
- Category: Selected Blogs
Over the years, I have heard many a politician give, what I considered, a good speech. Their delivery was always upfront and direct and the words that they spoke from their lips would be hypnotic and flowed like water into the ears of an audience very slowly, soothingly and comfortably. Their use of the English language would be captivating, articulate and prophetic. It would attract the imagination of the people. No doubt, the oratory skills of these politicians were very profound. It would be in my later years that I would learn to look behind it all. Behind the words, behind the language, behind the speeches, behind it all, and look for substance backed by action to seek out reality behind a mask.
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- Written by: Jay Edgar
- Category: Latest News
This morning NJ 101.5 reported on the story of a Hoboken cop who is in the news again for causing a ruckus at the Tampa Airport. The most disturbing part of this story is that he has been suspended with pay for two years at a salary of around $140,000!
Report: Suspended 'Hooters' Cop Flashed Shield at Airport
Ex-SWAT Lt. Was in 'Hooters Girls' Photos
Lt. Angelo Andriani is the former head of the Hoboken, N.J., SWAT team, an elite police unit that was disbanded in disgrace more than two years ago.
The cops got in trouble after Fox 5 New broadcast pictures of Andriani and his SWAT team posing in with their guns and with Hooters girls in Alabama, while on a trip to provide relief for Hurricane Katrina victims. There were also a few interesting pictures of some shenanigans in New Orleans.
Facing misconduct charges, Andriani has been suspended for two years so far with pay. His gun, badge and police ID were supposedly taken away from him.
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- Written by: Adam de Angeli
- Category: Selected Blogs
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Adam de Angeli is the Director of Information Technology and an Interim State Coordinator for the Campaign For Liberty. He lives in Ann Arbor, Michigan. |
I recently read a member post that argued that one must sometimes support the lesser of two evils. The author explained it with a metaphor, by saying that, on the one hand, if offered two unhealthful foods, one could refuse to eat either of them, but if being forced to choose between an unhealthful food and poison, one would have to take the unhealthful food to avoid the poison. Likewise, he argued, having no choice but John McCain or Barack Obama, he should have voted for John McCain rather than the third-party candidate.
It is a popular, understandable belief; an intuitive tactical judgment. But upon close examination, it is principally due to this belief that our politicians get away with betraying us.
Indeed, it is essential for success that we defeat acceptance of the lesser of two evils. Therefore, let us examine what's wrong with supporting the lesser of two evils.
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- Written by: Guest Author
- Category: Latest News
January 28, 2010
Contact: Wes Benedict, Executive Director
Phone: 202-333-0008 ext. 222
Libertarians respond to State of the Union address
WASHINGTON - Libertarian Party (LP) Chairman William Redpath issued the following statement today in response to President Barack Obama's State of the Union address:
"Tonight's speech was a reminder that, for decades, the policies of Republicans and Democrats alike have failed. Libertarians are asking people to take matters into their own hands. Instead of just complaining, we're encouraging ordinary Americans to step up and run for Congress on the Libertarian Party ballot line.
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- Written by: Alex Pugliese
- Category: Selected Blogs
During the 1980s, I remember a commercial for Honda Scooter Motorcycles. The commercial began with the showing of babies in a maternity ward with a female narrator stating the following: "We all start out the same," and then the camera would move to a picture of singer, Grace Jones on the scooter with her stating, "but where we go from there, it is entirely up to you." When it comes to achieving the American Dream, everyone does start out the same as well. However, those who work hard, bust their humps and put in a great deal of time and effort are the ones that are most rewarded in obtaining a business, a good standard of living, a good home and a good and secure future for themselves and their families. They are rewarded for working hard, playing by the rules and achieving what most Americans would want for themselves.
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- Written by: Jay Edgar
- Category: Latest News
Can Chris Christie reform the Garden State?
Eileen Norcross | January 22, 2010
"I'm gonna govern like a one-termer." That's the promise of New Jersey's Chris Christie, who became New Jersey's 55th governor this week. If true, it's a welcome development, because fixing New Jersey's fiscal mess isn't a matter of mere accounting. It will require tackling institutionalized corruption head on. The Garden State's budget has been crippled by spending schemes that largely benefit a well-paid and unionized public sector, itself a creation of New Jersey's entrenched political class.
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- Written by: Alex Pugliese
- Category: Selected Blogs
“Do you know what is right for you?” One will get this question in his or her lifetime possibly about 50 to 60 times, in my estimation. The response, naturally, will be by an individual “Yes, I do.” When it comes to those who serve in government, in the press, in the universities and in business, however, their reply will always be “No you don’t.” Herein lays the problem.
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- Written by: Jay Edgar
- Category: Latest News
The problem with Haiti has always been the lack of freedom. Haitians need stronger property rights. Without the ability to acquire, own, and transfer property you have poverty. Property ownership allows individuals to build capital that can be used to create businesses and build long term wealth. This article was written back in 2004, things have not changed since then. |
North America
A solution in Haiti: Try Freedom
By Garrett Glass
Mar 3, 2004The troubles of Haiti are once again making front-page news all over the world. Every expert from Amnesty International to French Foreign Minister Dominique de Villepein has an opinion about what needs to be done to fix the problems. There are some fundamental issues, however, that often go ignored in all the demands for foreign military intervention and financial aid.
Property Rights
In Haiti's 200-year quest for freedom, one of the most crucial components of freedom, which leads to prosperity, has never been effectively implemented or even seriously tried (much less respected). The Haitian system of establishing property rights is so convoluted, complicated and corrupt that to the average citizen of Haiti owning any property will always remain just a dream. The connection between poverty and the lack of property rights is often overlooked.
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- Written by: Jay Edgar
- Category: Latest News
Essex County Superintendent of Elections Carmine Casciano was charged today with official misconduct for allegedly giving unauthorized paid days off to county employees who worked on political campaigns, according to the state Attorney General's Office.
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- Written by: Guest Author
- Category: Latest News
Yesterday the New Jersey State Assembly passed a bill, already approved by the state Senate, that allows judges to waive heretofore mandatory sentences for nonviolent drug offenses committed in "drug-free zones." Under state law, such zones include any place within 1,000 feet of a school or 500 feet of a park, library, museum, or public housing project. Selling drugs (or possessing them with intent to sell) within that area triggers a mandatory minimum sentence of three years. The bill abolishing that rule, which Gov. Jon S. Corzine has promised to sign, follows years of lobbying by critics who argue that drug-free zones, aimed mainly at shielding children from drug dealers, arbitrarily increase the punishment for disproportionally black and Hispanic defendants whose offenses have nothing to do with children. The zones are defined broadly enough to include most or all of many cities.
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- Written by: Jay Edgar
- Category: Latest News
Michael's mother has sent the following message.
Hi Everyone:
Michael was cardioverted again today (with the electric paddles) to try to get his heart to beat more regularly. This evening they did the tracheotomy and looked down his throat. He had ripped the breathing tube out of his throat and they were afraid he damaged his vocal chords. Things looked pretty good and the doctors said the surgery went very well. They will give him antibiotics to be sure there isn't an infection after having the tube in his throat for 14 days. They have kept him very sedated all this time because he couldn't breathe without the breathing tube but it was very uncomfortable for him. He needed to rest so his heart could strengthen.
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- Written by: Alex Pugliese
- Category: Selected Blogs
May you all have a safe and joyous New Year and may you all find your true happiness. God Bless You All.
I resolve to fight for the rights of Libertarians to get on the ballot.
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- Written by: Alex Pugliese
- Category: Selected Blogs
To the elites that reside in the Northeast, in Malibu, California and in Washington, D.C. many consider politics as a career and not at all as an opportunity for service. Even some Libertarians, sadly, believe this as well. To me, this mindset is very wrongheaded when looking at the reasoning on a whole.
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- Written by: Jay Edgar
- Category: Latest News
UPDATE: Michael is conscious. He has had a pacemaker installed. Hopefully all is well!
I received a report that Michael's heart stopped. His heart was started again with CPR. He has been rushed by helicopter to Gunderson Lutheran Hospital in Wisconsin. He is in serious condition.
At this time I have no further information.
Michael Badnarik was the Libertarian 2004 candidate for President. My prayers are with him and his family.
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- Written by: Frank R. Stockton
- Category: Events
Originally published in 1896 by Frank R. Stockton (1834 - 1902). This was in reference to an event that occurred on December 22nd, 1774 in Greenwich Township, Cumberland County NJ.
At the time when the American colonists began to be restless under the rule of Great Britain, the people of New Jersey showed as strong a desire for independence as those of any other Colony, and they were by no means backward in submitting to any privations which might be necessary in order to assert their principles. As has been said before, the people were prosperous, and accustomed to good living, and it was not likely that there was any part of America in which a cup of well-flavored tea was better appreciated than in New Jersey.