New Jersey Libertarian Party
CD 9 Republican Candidate Billy Prempeh and Libertarian Candidate Sean Armstrong Agree to Debate but Need the Democratic Candidate William Pascrell to Join Them
New Jersey—August 12th, 2022—The residents of the newly formed 9th New Jersey Congressional District have a choice between three candidates. Many are new to this re-drawn district and may not be familiar with any of these candidates or even their sitting congressman. To help them learn about the choices they may have, two of the candidates are calling for public debates to help residents familiarize themselves with these three choices.
On August 12, 2022 Republican candidate Billy Prempeh stated that he would like Congressman Pascrell and the media involved for a spirited debate in front of a live audience. Libertarian Candidate Sean Armstrong also wants to take on his three opponents in a debate. Both Sean and Billy would like questions to not be pre-written or the candidate to have any prior information. All that is needed is Mr. Pascrell to agree to join the debate.
Along with inviting the congressman, we are asking the New Jersey media to moderate the debate(s). A debate would allow for transparency and familiarity with the candidates. As stated above, the 9th congressional district has been re-drawn, which means some of the municipalities contained in the district have never been exposed to the candidates. Debates in a public forum allow citizens to actively engage with who may represent them.
Michael Manieri
NJLP Vice President of Public Relations
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