There have been politicians that have ran for executive offices such as governor or president, that have promised that they were going to deliver great changes to the state and to the country. Often times, the moment that these politicians are sworn in, is the moment that reality hits them. They find that it is difficult to bring about changes and reforms because the legislative branch is controlled by the opposition party with its own agenda, and because some of the executive branch's own party members may not be on board. This situation can not only be seen in Washington, D.C. but also in the northeastern states, in California and elsewhere.

Libertarian candidates for executive offices may have wonderful ideas, but without legislative supporters he or she cannot get much done. That is why, in my opinion, libertarians should not only run for legislative offices, but they should also get into action.

The Rasmussen Poll that I posted here concerning the support for Capitalism is very disturbing to me. One has to ask whether those surveyed know what Capitalism is, and whether we really have a pure capitalist system not only in the U.S., but here in New Jersey as well.  Here, I feel that Libertarians should try harder to educate the public on this matter. Who knows? You might get converts to our side.

With the continent of Europe putting its vested interest in, literally, a superstate, and with that superstate looking after their own interests and affairs, one has to ask this question: Should the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (which turned 60 recently) be dismantled? I believe that it should have been dismantled when the Cold War ended in 1991. Article 5 of the treaty states that attack against one member is an attack on all, but as we are seeing in Afghanistan, some European countries are not allowing the troops they sent to fight with the U.S. Canada, The Dutch or Great Britain.

There are certain individuals in politics and in societal institutions, mostly coming from the political left side of the spectrum, that believe that the United States and its people should be more like the Europeans. That not only should Americans embrace their customs and beliefs, but also their policies and their systems of government. Speaking as a man who had lived in Europe for two years, I find this idea disturbing.

The United States was not only founded on individual liberty, but it was also founded on rugged individualism. To embrace the European model in terms of policy, morals, law and government would eradicate the wisdom of the Founding Fathers, and would turn Americans into, literally, jelly. That we don't need that. I would tell those who believe in this move "If you like Europe, Move there. Leave us alone."

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