Candidates and Elections
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- Written by: Jay Edgar
- Category: Candidates and Elections
7-11 is running a Coffee Cup poll of presidential candidates. However they only allow the choice of Obama or Romney.
Next they will stop selling all soda's except Coke and Pepsi. They wll sell only two flavors of coffee - regular and decaf. Consumer choice is limited in their decision.
In an email to
I'm going elsewhere for my coffee.
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- Written by: Webmaster
- Category: Candidates and Elections
On Wednesday October 17th at 4:00 PM, Ken Kaplan, our U.S. senate candidate will be participating in a debate at Mercer Community College in Trenton.
Watch the debate here or on the debate website.
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- Written by: Jay Edgar
- Category: Candidates and Elections
Sponsors of the upcoming snoozefests have been under pressure not to support the debates unless Gary Johnson and Jill Stein are invited to participate. As a result Phillips Electronics, Bartle Bogle Hegarty (BBH) New York, and YWCA have decided to drop their sponsorships of the debates.
As a nonpartisan organization dedicated to eliminating racism, empowering women and promoting peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all, we have decided to withdraw our sponsorship effective immediately.
- Dara Richardson-Heron, M.D., CEO YWCA
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- Written by: Jay Edgar
- Category: Candidates and Elections
We still have petitioning to do to get Gary Johnson on the ballot!
Petitions are posted at
A guide to petitioning is posted here.
Gary has downladable flyers available at his website.
Once your petition is complete contact me at
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- Written by: Jay Edgar
- Category: Candidates and Elections
In May of 2012 delegates from each of the 50 state Libertarian Parties will be convening in Las Vegas, Nevada. The delegates will be deciding on the future of the party and will be picking who our candidate for President shall be.
Candidates who have made statements that they are running to date include:
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- Written by: R. Lee Wrights
- Category: Candidates and Elections
One of the few quibbles that many libertarians have against the positions taken by Gary Johnson is his support for the Fair Tax. Libertarian Presidential contender, R. Lee Wrights has written the following essay about The Fair Tax.
The Fair Tax Isn’t Fair; It’s a Farce
Saturday, January 7th, 2012
“There cannot be a good tax nor a just one; every tax rests its case on compulsion.” – Frank Chodorov
BURNET, Texas (Jan. 7) – The so-called Fair Tax is not fair; on the contrary, it is a farce based on fallacies and falsehoods. Sadly, some libertarians have fallen for the bogus arguments uttered by proponents of this national sales tax and bought into the idea that this is the “best we can hope to get.” This is a justification very similar to the flawed reasoning that induces some people to vote for the “lesser of two evils.”
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- Written by: Webmaster
- Category: Candidates and Elections
The Texas Harris County Libertarians hosted a debate among three of the potential Libertarian Party Presidential nominees. Present was Roger Gary, R. J. Harris, and R. Lee Wrights.
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- Written by: Webmaster
- Category: Candidates and Elections
Gary Johnson will quit the Republican primaries and seek the Libertarian Party nomination instead, POLITICO has learned.
The former two-term New Mexico governor, whose campaign for the GOP nomination never caught fire, will make the announcement at a press conference in Santa Fe on Dec. 28. Johnson state directors will be informed of his plans on a campaign conference call Tuesday night, a Johnson campaign source told POLITICO.
The move has been expected for weeks -- Johnson had run a New Hampshire-centric effort that never got him past a blip in the polls. He appeared at only two nationally televised debates, and only one in which other major candidates took part.
Johnson expressed deep disillusionment with the process as his libertarian message failed to catch fire and he received almost no attention for his bid. He soon began flirting with the Libertarians when it became clear that he was gaining no traction in GOP primaries.
"I'm still in the race," Johnson told POLITICO last month. "I'm registered in New Hampshire and the intention would be, hope against hope that I would be able to be heard. But there is not much hope."
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- Written by: Julian Heicklen
- Category: Candidates and Elections
Starting in 2009, I have distributed American Jury Institute pamphlets at courthouses informing juries of their right to judge the law as well as the facts. This is a well established duty of British and American juries. But judges keep it secret from the juries. Along with the pamphlets, I distribute a flyer that reads:
The Judge will instruct the jury that it must uphold the law as he gives it.
He will be lying.
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- Written by: David Schneck
- Category: Candidates and Elections
I guess that if you want to be rich and still well-liked, you need to be the iconic head of a well known brand that people have an emotional attachment to. In all the (well deserved) tributes to Steve Jobs, including from the redistributor-in-chief, I never heard one person say that Jobs didn’t pay his “fair share” of taxes (except for my tongue-in-cheek rant below). In Jobs’s case, just bringing us neat gadgets and movies was enough.
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- Written by: Carl Person
- Category: Candidates and Elections
By Carl Person, Candidate for Presidential Nomination of Libertarian Party
New York, NY, September 8, 2011. Carl Person, who is seeking the Libertarian Party’s nomination for President, viewed the Republican Presidential Debate held on September 7th at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and states that “the candidates offered no new insight or specifics into creating new jobs for the nation’s unemployed.”
Person went on to say that “Three main candidates (Governors Romney, Perry and Huntsman) gave statistics on new job creation during their period as Governor as claimed proof of their ability to create jobs, without explaining what actions they took as Governor which resulted in the alleged new jobs.”
“Many of the 8 candidates,” according to Person, “wanted a reduction in regulation without stating what specific regulations they would terminate. Also, many of the candidates wanted a reduction in taxes. Some of the candidates recognized that small business was over-regulated, without stating in what specific respects.
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- Written by: Webmaster
- Category: Candidates and Elections
Note: the following is the title as of April 26, 2010. 8h and 9a have been updated to reflect 2014 changes. You may want to verify the current law on the state website.
19:27A-1 | Short Title |
19:27A-2 | Power to recall elected Officials |
19:27A-3 | Definitions |
19:27A-4 | Recall; vote required, service of term, statements, procedures |
19:27A-5 | Recall petition; signatures required |
19:27A-6 | Notice of intention |
19:27A-7 | Review of notice of intention; approval; publication; answer |
19:27A-8 | Format of recall petition; requirements |
19:27A-9 | Circulator of recall petition |
19:27A-10 | Filing of petition by recall committee; time |
19:27A-11 | Review of petition by recall election official |
19:27A-12 | Contesting decisions of recall officials |
19:27A-13 | Issuance of certificate as to sufficiency of petition; scheduling of recall election; notice |
19:27A-14 | Recall election, conduct |
19:27A-15 | Ballot used at recall election; filling of vacancy |
19:27A-16 | Results of recall election |
19:27A-17 | Recall committee, recall defense committee; regulation of contributions; reports |
19:27A-18 | Statutes inoperative |
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- Written by: Jay Edgar
- Category: Candidates and Elections
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- Written by: Jay Edgar
- Category: Candidates and Elections