Candidates and Elections
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- Written by: Ken Kaplan
- Category: Candidates and Elections
The Hall Institute recently asked several questions of the NJ gubernatorial candidates. The dialog between the Hall Institute and Ken Kaplan follows.
Hall Institute:
Perhaps, the most daunting long-term economic challenge confronting New Jersey is the fiscal condition of the state's public pension system. Given today's economic and political climate, what steps would you take to meet the state's growing pension obligations?
Ken Kaplan Responds:
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- Written by: Jay Edgar
- Category: Candidates and Elections
By Lisa Fleisher
September 18, 2009, 4:45PMTRENTON -- The Libertarian Party candidate for governor and five New Jersey voters joined independent candidate Chris Daggett in filing a lawsuit today challenging the state's balloting system, a Daggett spokesman said.
Daggett, who has qualified for public funding in the governor's race, charges it is unfair for the Republican and Democratic parties to automatically get the two top spots on ballots in the general election.
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- Written by: Jay Edgar
- Category: Candidates and Elections
Kenneth Kaplan announced today that he has chosen John Paff as his Lieutenant Governor. Paff has chaired the New Jersey Libertarian Party’s Open Government Advocacy Project for the past 5 years. Praising his work in that capacity, Kaplan said, “Paff has served as a watchdog for New Jersey citizens, assuring that the workings of local government are properly recorded and made available for public scrutiny. If we are elected, I will appoint him as Commissioner of the Department of Community Affairs, where his expertise on local government will stand New Jersey residents in good stead. He will only draw one salary. There will be no double dipping in a Kaplan administration.”
Paff is a 1979 graduate of Rutgers University, where he majored in economics. He was president of City Line Insurance, Inc from 1979 – 1988, and currently manages rental real estate. A resident of Franklin Township for the past 23 years, he has been a member of the Middlebush Volunteer Fire Department in Somerset for 17 years and has been president of that fire company since 2008. He and his wife, Diane, are the parents of 2 children.
Said Kaplan, “I cannot be happier that John has agreed to be my running mate. I have admired his long time volunteer work on behalf of open government in our state, and I am excited about what he would be able to do as the head of the Department of Community Affairs.
For more information contact the campaign.
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- Written by: Webmaster
- Category: Candidates and Elections
At his desk in Parsippany, Kenneth Kaplan reviews talking points for his Libertarian Party campaign for governor.
Photo by Robert Wiener
Libertarian candidate’s fusion of Right and Left
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NJJN Staff WriterMay 21, 2009
Ask Kenneth Kaplan why he is the Libertarian Party’s candidate for governor of New Jersey and he’ll tell you he’s a “child of the ’60s” who “believes in individual liberties.”
In the category-defying case of the Libertarian Party, those range from doing away with most taxes and opposing gun control to approving same-sex marriage and legalizing the medical use of marijuana.
“Most Republicans and Democrats would say they believe in individual liberties, too, but they really don’t,” Kaplan said as he sat in his real estate office in Parsippany.
“They believe in bigger government that controls more and more of what we do, and I don’t believe in that. I believe in voluntary relationships between individuals rather than relationships imposed by the government.”
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- Written by: Jay Edgar
- Category: Candidates and Elections
The hardest part of petitioning is overcoming the self-consciousness about doing it. Once you decide to get started, the rest is easy.
What You'll Need
- A properly filled out petition. Get the name(s) of the candidates right. On the "party or party principle" line, put "Libertarian Party."
- A ball-point pen. The ideal one that will write easily on non-horizontal surfaces, such as a Papermate Power Point. But a trusty Bic is okay.
- A clipboard.
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- Written by: Webmaster
- Category: Candidates and Elections
NJ Libertarian Party Nominates Kenny Kaplan for Governor
New Brunswick, NJ - On Sunday, the NJ Libertarian Party State Committee unanimously selected Kenneth Kaplan to be the party’s candidate for Governor. Born in Newark, the 61 year old Kaplan grew up in West Orange but currently resides in Parsippany. He is a graduate from Brandeis University and NYU Law School. For twenty-two years, he was associated with the Archie Schwartz Company but currently serves as President of KenKap Realty Corp., a company he founded after a six year term at Edgerton Realty.
As Governor, Kaplan’s priorities are to phase out the state income tax and reduce the size and cost of government. Addressing affordable housing is one way he plans to solve this problem. Kaplan offers a creative solution to the decade’s long quest to create affordable housing in New Jersey. He wants the state to enact legislation to supersede local zoning ordinances, removing zoning barriers.
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- Written by: Jay Edgar
- Category: Candidates and Elections
When one election is over, the next one has already begun. Operation ELECT-US is a program by the Libertarian Party to recruit as many candidates as possible for winnable local offices in 2009.
In odd numbered years, most elections are local and quite a few of them take place in the spring. For example, filing deadlines for local elections have already begun in Maryland, and take place in Illinois in December.
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- Written by: Webmaster
- Category: Candidates and Elections
If you are already registered to vote, but have not declared a party, download this form. Fill it out and mail or deliver it to your county board of elections.They do not accept faxed copies!
Information on registering to vote can be found here.
AtlanticCommissioner of Registration |
GloucesterBoard of Elections |
OceanBoard of Elections |
BergenCommissioner of Registration |
HudsonBoard of Elections |
PassaicCommissioner of Registration |
BurlingtonBoard of Elections |
HunterdonBoard of Elections |
SalemBoard of Elections |
CamdenBoard of Elections |
MercerBoard of Elections |
SomersetBoard of Elections |
Cape MayBoard of Elections |
MiddlesexBoard of Elections |
SussexBoard of Elections |
CumberlandBoard of Elections |
MonmouthBoard of Elections |
UnionBoard of Elections |
EssexBoard of Elections |
MorrisBoard of Elections |
WarrenCommissioner of Registration |
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- Written by: Jay Edgar
- Category: Candidates and Elections
On November 4th, NJ residents shall have two public questions on the ballot. Public question#1 will make it harder for the state legislature to borrow money using bonds. Public question #2 changes how municipal court judges are appointed.
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- Written by: Sean Colon
- Category: Candidates and Elections
Jason Scheurer's campaign released the following questionaire from the League of Women Voters. They thought that everyone would be interested in reading his responses to their questions. Enjoy!
1.) The No Child Left Behind Act is set to be reauthorized in 2009. What kind of reforms, if any, will you be advocating during the legislative process?
I will not reauthorize the No Child Left Behind Act. Just like most of these government experiments, this has failed miserably relative to the costs. This is just another bureaucratic, paper-pushing, government failure that is designed to convince you that the federal government can fix an already broken education system. Why not instead have each child be worth a set dollar amount? For example, $7,000 per child and allow parents to shop around for the very best school program or home-based learning option in the market. Only by increasing competition can we fix our government-run, broken schools.
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- Written by: Walter M. Luers, Esq.
- Category: Candidates and Elections
At last night's excellent event at Luciano's, Bob Barr addressed (among other things) how the United States intercepts and reviews emails based on whether the interceptor reasonably believes one party to the communication is outside of the country. For this and other reasons, many do not trust the privacy and security of email and electronic communications, because the United States government intercepts, stores, and reviews those communications.
The principal reason the Unites States government has this ability is because most Internet traffic in the world is routed through the United States. An article in tomorrow's (Aug. 30, 2008) New York Times addresses the current free-market response to the U.S.'s invasion of privacy: more Internet traffic is now being routed outside of the United States, and businesses and companies are aggressively building Internet infrastructure outside of the United States. While certainly some amount of development outside of the U.S. is inevitable, I have no doubt that the U.S. has lost some amount of commerce because its government does not respect the privacy of communications through the Internet.
And, it also increases the ability of true enemies of the United States to hide their Internet communications from legitimate surveillance techniques (e.g., those performed pursuant to a warrant issued by a judge that is based upon a showing of probable cause).
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- Written by: Lou Jasikoff
- Category: Candidates and Elections
Fellow patriots,
Last week, a Republican Party official filed a lawsuit in the State of Pennsylvania to keep the Libertarian Party off the ballot in November. Basing the lawsuit on a substitution technicality the merits of the case are scheduled to be heard September 4, 2008 in Philadelphia. After collecting over fifty thousand signatures and an enormous strain on our manpower and monetary resources I must ask the question, when is enough, enough. We know they don't want us in the debates, but if they will fight tooth and nail to keep us off the ballot it begs the question what type of government would they run if elected. We must begin to take a stand and let them know this will no longer be tolerated. For the next two and a half months we have our opportunity to unite and send a message this is no longer acceptable. So what can you do?
Start by joining Bob Barr and Jason Scheurer at Luciano's at 1579 Main Street in Rahway, New Jersey, this Thursday beginning at 8PM as we simulcast our message across the country. We will be joined by Wayne Root in Denver as he reports on the Democratic convention as well as others around the country. Make your voice heard.
In Liberty,
Lou Jasikoff