Candidates and Elections
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- Written by: Webmaster
- Category: Candidates and Elections
Potential Libertarian Presidential Candidate and former congressman Bob Barr was recently interviewed.
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- Written by: Jay Edgar
- Category: Candidates and Elections
The LP convention is coming up quickly. On May 22-26th, delegates from each state shall be meeting to decide the future direction of the National Libertarian Party. On Saturday there will be a debate between "qualified" candidates and then the delegates shall select our Presidential and Vice-Presidential nominees.
At this time only three candidates have qualified for the debate! It would be a travesty if the debate only featured Root, Imperato, and Jingozian. Visit Liberty Decides, donate to your choice of candidate and ensure that there is a real debate. See Delegation FAQ #35 for explanation of "qualifying."
Also let us know who your favorite is by commenting in the forum and voting in our poll. Our delegates want to know how you feel.
UPDATE: I don't think the original striken out text is correct. It came from the Delegation FAQ #35, however the Chair's Manual page 15 states that qualification shall be based on collecting "signature tokens" from the delegates.
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- Written by: Webmaster
- Category: Candidates and Elections
Six candidates for the Libertarian Party's Presidential nomination debate at the Heartland Libertarian Conference in Kansas City, Mo, on April 5,2008. Moderator is Mike Ferguson.
Candidates present were Senator Mike Gravel, Michael Jingozian, George Phillies, Wayne Allen Root, Dr. Mary J. Ruwart, and Christine Smith.
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- Written by: Webmaster
- Category: Candidates and Elections
On Friday Dr. Mary Ruwart announced that she will be seeking the Libertarian nomination for president. She joins a crowded field of candidates, many of which have been campaigning for the nomination for a long time.
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- Written by: Jay Edgar
- Category: Candidates and Elections
The highlight of the convention was the LP Presidential Candidate debate. There were 9 candidates present. Most of them are pretty good. I'll leave it to the website viewer to decide which of candidate is worthy of our nomination. Click the Read More link to view the debate. When done be sure to vote in our poll.
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- Category: Candidates and Elections
A recent commentary in the Wall Street Journal explained why Barack Obama is beating Hillary Clinton- the answer is, not surprisingly, SALES. The article sums it up, "With no disagreement on policy, Democrats opt for a top salesman…if you are selling a dream you need the best possible salesman to make it seem somehow possible. They found him in Barack Obama." If it is true that the Democrats have found their salesman (unfortunately to sell a corrupt, damaging and dysfunctional liberal tax and spend dream), then I believe that the Libertarian Party has a once in a lifetime opportunity standing before them. You see I am not just Barack's match as a salesman and communicator of a political message. I am Barack Obama's college classmate. Yes, we are graduates of the same college (Columbia University), same class (Class of '83), same major (Political Science). We graduated on the same day 25 years ago. Never before in the history of American politics have two college classmates run against each other for President. Talent aside, sometimes you just need a bit of luck. Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined running for President in the same election as my college classmate.
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- Written by: Jay Edgar
- Category: Candidates and Elections
Here is an interview of so called Libertarian candidate, Daniel Imperato, being interviewed on New York's Capital Outsider . He puts forth many unlibertarian principles. He believes the federal government should ban abortion, is anti-gay marriage, pro-Patriot act, pro-FDA and wants to create new government run charities. He wants us to go into Afghanistan and destroy their soil.
He has some bizzare ideas. We really should prescreen our candidates in someway.
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- Category: Candidates and Elections
What's the criteria setting one candidate apart from another?
It's not the platforms usually. Serious Libertarian candidates, of course, share basic Libertarian principles. They may indeed differ on individual issues, but generally they agree on most issues since as Libertarians they share a fundamental dedication to liberty and freedom.
Since candidates are not usually unique in the Libertarian platform they espouse, how do we select the best presidential candidate for our party?
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- Written by: Jay Edgar
- Category: Candidates and Elections
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- Written by: Webmaster
- Category: Candidates and Elections
Darren Young
Assembly, 21st District
Darren Young ran as a trademark candidate in District 21 this year. There were no debates, and his two Republican opponents were both very well-liked and very prolimited government. In any case they easily won with about 65 percent of the vote. He is hoping to once again run against pro-Bush, big-government Republican Mike Ferguson as the NJLP Congressional candidate next year from District 7. He has garnered significant positive publicity for the party by making numerous television appearances during the four other times he has run for this position.
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- Written by: Webmaster
- Category: Candidates and Elections
New Jersey 14th District Candidate for Assembly Jason Scheurer alledged that News 12 New Jersey News Director Randal Stanley was politically biased by excluding Jason from an infomercial that News 12 produced and aired promoting only the Republican and the Democrat candidates. Jason's allegations are based not only by Stanley's actions, but also his words.
Some in the media have questioned Jason's assertion, mostly because News 12 is a news organization. The media seems to have trouble believing that News 12 crossed the line by promoting only the two major parties. We have the audio stream recorded prior to the "forum" where Jason tries to reason with Stanley.
Listen for yourself as Randal Stanley says he would invite a Republican that has no chance of winning while excluding a certified candidate.
Click here to listen to the entire conversation.
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- Written by: Webmaster
- Category: Candidates and Elections
In the 14th District, where Linda Greenstein has voted to give her campaign over $600,000 of taxpayer funds, News 12 NJ refuses to allow third party candidates into the debate. Libertarian Assembly candidate Jason Scheurer has filed for rescue funds as a result. See Press Release.
Jason and State Party chair Lou Jasikoff confront several other candidates over this issue in the video below.