Candidates and Elections
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- Written by: Webmaster
- Category: Candidates and Elections
text message arrived at my phone this morning announced that Democratic
Senator Barack Obama had selected Delaware Senator Joe Biden as his
running mate. I looked at it, said, "No surprise there," and went back
to sleep.
After all, there isn't much to Biden that the public doesn't already know. He's a career Senator with more than 30-year history of being a "Congress critter." Biden is not only a part of the political establishment, he's a senior member of it!
In fact, Biden has only spent four years working in the private sector after graduating from college.
As our acting Executive Director said, Biden's pick was "predictable and typical."
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- Written by: Webmaster
- Category: Candidates and Elections
Former Congressman Bob Barr and current Libertarian Nominee for President answers questions before the House Judiciary Committee's hearing on Executive Power & the Bush Administration on July 25, 2008. Transcript of his full statement can be found here.
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- Written by: Webmaster
- Category: Candidates and Elections
The New Jersey petition for the LP Presidential ticket is now available and is posted online here. I have also posted the Oath and Acceptance that each of the 15 Electors needs to complete and have notarized.
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- Written by: Lou Jasikoff
- Category: Candidates and Elections
As of June 13 Jason Scheurer and Derek DeMarco are officially on the ballot for U.S. Senate and U.S. Congress (District 8) in New Jersey. I want to thank everyone who got involved and gathered signatures on their behalf to make this happen. (See page 2 for the Honor Roll of petitioners and the initial press release for the campaign. – Editor) It was encouraging to see so many get involved.
Going forward we will need everyone's help to run the successful campaign we are planning. You can expect to be contacted shortly by me or one of our expanding staff to ask what you can do and the level of commitment you are willing to make. There will be a role for everyone who chooses to help make this campaign successful. We will need an enormous amount of help to man the events that are planned and are going to be planned for the coming months. The campaign is starting to fall into place. Thanks for all the help so far and I think we are going to make real progress this year.
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- Written by: Lou Jasikoff
- Category: Candidates and Elections
News Release
For Immediate Release – June 20, 2008
Contact Lou Jasikoff – (973) 752-9164 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Libertarian officially on ballot
Trenton, NJ –Jason Scheurer, the former certified and clean election candidate from West Windsor will represent the Libertarian Party as its standard bearer for the U.S. Senate in the State of New Jersey according to Lou Jasikoff, Chair of the New Jersey Libertarian Party and campaign manager for the Scheurer campaign.
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- Written by: Webmaster
- Category: Candidates and Elections
Dear Friends, Activists and Fellow Libertarians,
I've just returned from the Libertarian National Convention, held this past week in Denver. I know a lot of people are stunned and some are still angry that Bob Barr won. Although I am exhausted, I wanted to get a message out about where we go from here.
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- Written by: Lou Jasikoff
- Category: Candidates and Elections
Just now getting in from an incredible experience at our convention in Denver. As tired as I am, I feel compelled to write because it is my opinion we have incredible opportunities to grow our party exponentially with a Barr/Root/Scheurer ticket this year. To do that we must get Jason on the ballot. We need 1200 signatures in 6 days. This is an easy accomplishment if everyone does just a little. I am asking each and everyone of you to pledge to get just 10 signatures. That's just 10 signatures from friends and family. Here is a chance to get involved with minimum effort and yet help our party grow. At the very least please respond back and let me know your level of commitment.
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- Written by: Webmaster
- Category: Candidates and Elections
After 6 rounds of voting, Bob Barr has won the Presidential nomination of the Libertarian Party.
Learn more about Bob and his campaign at his website.
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- Written by: Webmaster
- Category: Candidates and Elections
Presidential candidate, Christine Smith, was interviewed by the North Virginia Patriots show.
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- Written by: Webmaster
- Category: Candidates and Elections
There is much excitement in some libertarian circles over the entrance of Bob Barr into the race for the Libertarian Party's nomination. Even the mainstream media has been reporting his candidacy, as well as that of Mike Gravel. Based on the way these men are covered, you would have thought that the party had previously planned not to run a Presidential candidate, or that it hasn't run a candidate in every Presidential race since it's founding. Nonetheless, many are thrilled with the idea that, if we nominate Bob Barr, this press coverage could continue. Others see the Barr candidacy as an opportunity to continue the energy of the Ron Paul campaign. I believe the excitement over the Barr candidacy is misplaced, will lead to disappointment, and that Barr should not receive the LP's Presidential nomination.
Read the entire article at
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- Written by: Webmaster
- Category: Candidates and Elections